The mall experiance


never should have come here, it was a terrible mistake, all I know is that it only gets worse from here. Ever since that god damn virus outbreak I've been fleeing from place to place attempting to escape the undead. Had I known what this current place held, I never would have stopped here in the first place.

The place I'm speaking of is a mall in what I believe is Chicago. I was currently fleeing from a pack of zombies as they attempted to gnaw on me or some shit like that. They were almost on me when I slid under a barricaded door.

Gasping for breath, I collapsed against the wall. Only to hear something that made my blood run cold. A loud growl appearing from across the room. I glanced towards its source to see a woman leaning against the wall on the side of the room parallel to mine. Upon closer inspection I realized she was a zombie, looking closer I realized why she was groaning. She was fingering herself.

I stepped closer to the living corpse, a tightness started to form in my torn pants, and stroked down her back. I flinched as she whipped around and growled at me, her cold, dead eyes staring me down, until she spread her legs and invited me in.

As I unzipped my pants and inserted my length into her rotten cooch, I came to realize the one thing I have been missing in life. I thrusted harder, the sound of our moans being drowned out by the sound of her organs squelching and rupturing. Many minutes passed by before she let out a final moan and came, her pus filled lubricants covering my rod.

After pulling out, we lay there unsure of what to do next. Until she leaned over and leaned in for a kiss. As our lips met she soon wanted more and began gnawing my face off till my breathing stopped.